If you have enjoyed delicious baked goods from Cheryl’s Cookies recently, you can use our article to share your opinion with Cheryl’s. This guide will walk you through each step in the Cheryl’s Cookies customer satisfaction survey for people who have recently gotten a treat from Cheryl’s. Since the survey is quite short, you can quickly move on to collecting your reward from Cheryl’s Cookies. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Cheryl’s Cookies survey.
Cheryl’s Cookies Survey Rewards
At the end of the Cheryl’s Cookies survey, you get the opportunity to sign up for the Cheryl’s email list. When you first sign up, you get a discount code for 20% off your next order. You will also continue to be eligible for special offers that can help you to save money on future orders. These emails can also alert you to new products or special sales from Cheryl’s, so you can be one of the first people to take advantage of the special services available at Cheryl’s Cookies.
Cheryl’s Cookies Survey Requirements
There are not really too many requirements for taking the Cheryl’s Cookies feedback survey, so anyone who meets these criteria can share their feedback with Cheryl’s.
- Survey takers must be people who have recently gotten a delivery from Cheryl’s Cookies.
- Participants must be willing to agree with the privacy policy posted on Cheryl’s website.
- People who want the survey rewards must be willing to share their email address with the company.
Cheryl’s Cookies Survey: How to Complete It
1. Type www.cheryls.com/cco-feedback into the address bar of your preferred web browser to load the page that contains all survey questions.
2. Answer the first question about whether or not your recent experience was your first encounter with Cheryl’s Cookies.
3. Choose one of the occasions from the list of special events and holidays to reveal why someone sent you the Cheryl’s Cookies package.
4. Write the specific reason in the blank text box if you selected the “Just Because” or “Another Reason” option.
5. Rate your likelihood of recommending Cheryl’s to an acquaintance.
6. Provide any additional desired feedback in the open comment field.
7. Write your email address in the last blank text box if you would like to receive your survey reward.
8. Put a checkmark in the “Yes” box to confirm that Cheryl’s can send you emails.
9. Click the “Submit” button.
Cheryl’s Cookies Survey Completion Troubleshooting & Useful Links
To talk to Cheryl’s about their survey, you can write a comment on their Facebook page or send a direct message to their Twitter account. If you want to get in touch with the Cheryl’s Cookies customer service department, they can be reached through the following methods.
Contact Form: www.cheryls.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/AjaxCustomerInquiryForm
Phone Number: 1-800-443-8124
What did you think of the Cheryl’s Cookies survey? Let us know how it went for you in the comment section below.