The Hallmark survey on the Hallmarkfeedback website is perfect for customers who have an opinion they want to express about Hallmark’s products and services. To help you understand how you can provide your Hallmark feedback on So, we have put together the ultimate Hallmark Survey at Hallmarkfeedback Guide. It contains all the relevant details for completing the questionnaire. Then, you will receive a Hallmark invitation to take part in, from rewards and requirements to the actual steps for completion.
Hallmark Survey Rewards
If you have decided to take the Hallmarkfeedback survey, you are most likely interested in the rewards you can get. What customers enjoy the most about completing this questionnaire is that they get an awesome coupon at the end, as a token of Hallmark’s appreciation for the time you spend on the Hallmarkfeedback survey. The coupon you receive is valued at $2. You can use it in any Hallmark locations in the first month after you complete the survey. The limit is one coupon per customer every day. However, you can gather more coupons and use them on different days.
Please note that the coupon you receive comes in the form of a validation code, which you need to write on your receipt. When you go shopping at Hallmark the next time, simply present your coupon at the register to benefit from the discount.
On the other hand, you also get some rewards that not all customers are aware of when they first got started. If you love shopping at Hallmark, your Hallmarkfeedback survey answers are actually contributing to your own customer experience in the future. If you offer relevant advice, the company will most likely take it into consideration to improve their services.
Hallmark Survey Requirements
Not everyone can go to Hallmarkfeedback to complete the Hallmark survey. Well, technically they can, but they won’t be able to get past the first step and start answering the questions. There are several requirements that users need to meet in order to be eligible.
First of all, you need to be a proven customer who recently shopped at Hallmark. The ‘proven’ part is validated by presenting certain pieces of information printed on your receipt. Your receipt is also essential for redeeming your coupon when you get to the end of the Hallmarkfeedback survey. As we mentioned in the rewards section of our guide, you need to write the validation code on your receipt. Then, offer it to the cashier to get your discount.
Secondly, you need to be fluent in either English or Spanish to take the Hallmarkfeedback questionnaire. But, this shouldn’t be an issue. Thirdly, you need to have access to a computer or mobile device that is connected to the internet. You should be able to complete it on a tablet or smartphone. However, a desktop PC or a laptop offers the best customer experience.
If you have checked off all these requirements and you’re excited about getting your $2 coupon, you are welcome to start the Hallmarkfeedback survey with the steps included below.
Hallmark Survey Steps and Tips
Before you get started and access the Hallmarkfeedback website, we want to inform you that the survey wasn’t being conducted at the moment we were creating our guide. However, there are high chances that the Hallmark team will resume the questionnaire on the same page to collect more feedback when needed. We wanted to inform you about the current situation. So you can understand why the website seems to be down if you are accessing it around this time. This is why we want to continue with the steps and tips we promised to tell you about, so don’t hesitate to look at our guidelines below.
Don’t forget to have your receipt at hand and your device connected to the internet. When you’re ready, read or follow the instructions below.
Steps to Complete the Survey
- Go to the official Hallmarkfeedback website at You can copy and paste this link into your address bar. But clicking our link is the easiest way to get to the survey portal.
- If you get an error or a grey screen, it means that the survey is still not available for completion at the moment. You can check back with the website to see when it will be up again. If the portal looks like the picture we have inserted above, it means that you can continue and fill out the survey.
- The first steps on Hallmarkfeedback are to enter specific details from your receipt to prove that you were indeed a customer. Start with your Survey Number. You should easily be able to locate it at the top of your receipt. But you can take a look at the sample receipt on your right if you have any problems.
- After the survey number, please provide your Date of purchase by selecting the month, day and year from the three small dropdowns.
- Choose the Military Time from your receipt for the following section.
- Enter the Total of your purchase, with the exact amount printed on your receipt. Don’t round off the number.
- Click the purple Start button to begin the survey.
- Start rating the services and products you came into contact with during your most recent shopping trip at Hallmark. In the first part, you will need to indicate how much you agree or disagree with certain statements. You can rate them on a scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree or N/A.
Tips About The Survey
- If required, leave any relevant comments that you want to send to the Hallmark management team.
- When you get to the end of the survey, they will thank you for your time and feedback and offered your validation code. Copy the code on your receipt. Then, use it the next time you go to the Hallmark Gold Crown store you visited.
- Enjoy your discount and shopping at Hallmark.
To find out more about the company, don’t hesitate to access its official website.